Your Stories

A Gift In Honor of My Great Grandmother - I always had a close relationship with my Great Grandmother. I was fortunate enough to get to know all of Grandparents and although my Great Grandmother passed away several years ago now... Read More


After reading and nearly feeling your pain and grief from the loss of your young daughter(I say "nearly" because one must go through it to know), I so wished I had tuned into my brother's death at 26 years old.The family felt terrible but I wished I had tuned in better to how my Mom felt. Now I know.


My Dad loved hummingbirds. A big, strong, driven fearless man - would stop to watch a hummingbird hover around my mothers beautiful gardens, especially the many hanging fuchsias. He was very talented and gifted on top of everything else, he carved wood and all of their children have carved hummingbirds feeding from a carved hibiscus flower in their homes among many other treasures he created. Since his passing earlier this year, many of us have shared how those hummingbirds in the garden seem even more present, even more fearless, hovering even closer to us - amazing. Thanks Dad!  Shauneen